Circle Charts
60% Faster
80% More Powerful
90% Lighter
With Percents
Yes! Use Text
Line Weight
Skill Bars
WordPress 90 %
PHP 80 %
Java 70 %
Ruby 60 %
Python 50 %
WordPress 75 %
PHP 53 %
Java 66 %
Ruby 95 %
Python 40 %
Get the code
Paste in Text Editor
[circle_chart type=”with-icon” color=”#c0392b” track_color=”#e1e1e1″ weight=”3″ icon=”hb-moon-meter-fast” percent=”60″ caption=”60% Faster” animation_speed=”300″ animation=”top-to-bottom”]
[skill number=”75″ char=”%” caption=”WordPress” color=”#2980b9″]
1. You can also use these shortcodes as Visual Composer Drag & Drop elements.
If you prefer shortcodes, you can generate them using Shortcode Generator.
2. Visit Theme Documentation for available arguments and more information. View Documentation Now.